OrgaMon is a native German Product. Even if the GUI can be translatet without recompile OrgaMon, internal Datastructures will belong German. Lets start introduce how OrgaMon do this.
get default.po
Place the File default.po to <OrgaMon.exe-Path>\locale\en\LC_MESSAGES\default.po or any other localization you want to build.
'Tip: Check yours computer locale by starting Orgamon an read the text on lower border after the @'
'Tip: Switch OrgaMons locale setting by typing in the Commandline:'
cd \<Your-OrgaMon.exe-Path>
set lang=en
Install a special Texteditor
All your Translation work is saved in a single File (a .po File). You can edit this with a simple Text Editor, but there is a better way: Downlaod and install the famous po-Editor:
Install a Compiler
this will generate a .mo file from your .po File. OrgaMon can not read .po Files, after any change they must be generatet from the .po file. OrgaMon must be restartet so that changed content of the .mo is recognized.
grab a default.po
GNU get text
Here you must download a tool
Developement Cycle
- Edit your .po File
- save it
- change to the explorer
- right click on the .po File, choose "Open with" -> "ggfmt"
- restart OrgaMon